1. Setting up accounting accounts
.To set up accounting accounts, go to your profile > Features > Accounting > Settings > Edit.
The first thing you need to do is to define the number of digits that the accounting accounts you are going to use in STEL Order are going to have.
It is very important that this number is exactly the same as the one you have in your accounting program so that there is full consistency between both systems and no errors occur when making the transfers.
When entering the number of accounting digits, a preload of data is performed as a guideline. It may be the case that these accounting accounts do not match with the ones you currently have in your accounting, in this case there would be absolutely no problem, the only thing you will have to do is to modify the accounting accounts so that they are fully consistent with the ones you have in your accounting.
Next, you need to set up the format of accounting accounts:
- Customer account: allows you to define the prefix or accounting account, as well as the suffix or sub-account.
- Supplier account: allows you to define the accounting prefix or account, as well as the suffix or subaccount.
You should note that the accounting accounts of customers and suppliers are auto-incremental, so they will be assigned automatically and sequentially to each new customer or supplier that we register in STEL Order.
This way, you must configure the last customer and supplier sub-account used in your accounting program, in order to continue with the correct sequence.
Once the accounting accounts are defined, we accept, and with that we can see all the accounting accounts that we are going to use in STEL Order.
If you do not see the bank accounts is because you do not have them configured, click on the following link: configuring the bank accounts inside STEL Order.
The last thing left to configure the accounting accounts, is to load the accounting accounts of customers, suppliers, products and services that you already had created in STEL Order before activating the accounting. For example, if you access any customer you can see that its accounting account is not defined. Similarly, if you access any product file, you can see that its accounting account for both sales and purchases is not defined either.
2. Transfer to accounting
.To make the first accounting transfer you must go toyour profile > Features > Accounting > Accounting transfer> New.
Assign a name and indicate start date, end date of the transfer and select the items to be booked.
Assign a name and indicate start date, end date of the transfer and select the items to be booked.
When saving the transfer, STEL Order informs you in case there are any errors, if so, you must fix these errors before saving the transfer. The last thing left is to perform the transfer to accounting, click on More > Export and choose the export type according to your accounting software. To export an already saved transfer, simply select it and click on More > Save, select the Type of export to perform and click on "Export." .
Finally, in your accounting software you must import the downloaded files from STEL Order. Below, you can check how to import these files in the main accounting programs:
3.Import an accounting transfer to your accounting software
- A3 ADVISOR: Go to Utilities > Import/Export > Accounting link, indicate the path to the file "SUENLACE.DAT" and click on "Link"..
- ContaSOL: Go to Utilities > ContaPlus > ContaPlus ASCII files, select the files "Account Master" and "Journal Entries" and click "OK".
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- APLIFISA: Go to Utilities > Data Transfer > ContaPlus ASCII files, select the files "Accounts file" and "Journal Entry file" and click on "Import".
- ContaPlus Flex: Go to Settings > Utilities > Export/Import, select the files "Subaccount" and "Journal" and click "OK".
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- ContaPlus: Go to Financial > Journal Options > Journal Entry Utilities > Export/Import, select the files "Subaccount" and "Journal" and click "OK".
- ClassicConta: Go to Tools > Data Import > Journal Entry Importer, select the "Journal" and "Subaccount" files, and continue with the import process.