Update from file

STEL Order allows you to update the data you have previously imported into the program


You can update your files in Excel (.xls or .xlsx) or CSV format of the following types:

        • Customers
        • Potential customers
        • .
        • Suppliers
        • Products
        • Services
        • Customer assets
        • Shop products (must be imported and published first, to be updated)

To update this data, from your profile go to Settings > Import/Export > Update from file and enter the information:


      • Type of information: Select from the drop-down the information that you are going to import.
      • Key attribute:Indicate the attribute that the program takes as reference for the update.
      • Reference: STEL Order assigns references automatically, but if you want to add your own reference choose the MANUAL option.
    • if you select manual reference, keep in mind that in the Excel file to be updated you must have a specific column with the reference of the records so that this is the one assigned by the program.

      • Heading lines: Sets whether the excel file to import contains a first row with the column headings.
      • Format: Sets whether the file is an Excel file (.xls and .xlsx extensions) or a CSV.
      • New items: Sets whether or not, new items are created when updating.
      • Existing elements: Indicates whether to update the elements we already have saved in the program.

Next in the Additional Information section, depending on the information you enter in the Type of Information field, some fields will be displayed or others. For example if you choose Customers, you will not see the Stock control option.

Everything you enter in the fields in the Additional Information section will be applied to the entire Excel file you import, therefore, if you want to assign different options you must split the Excel files.

Now, attach the file you are going to update by clicking Select a file. You can also drag it from your PC to the document drawing.

When making an update you can upload files with a maximum of 1,000 lines, therefore, if you have a file with more lines you should split the Excel files.

When the file is loaded the first five columns are displayed, aassociating each row with the corresponding STEL Order field.

You now have the listing set up, now click Update.

Your data has been updated in STEL Order!
