How do I create a document reference?

To create a reference, you have to go to: Settings > Basic Settings > References, click New, you will have to define the following sections:

        • Document name: This for internal use, this name is not seen by the customer. E.g. Business Expense Invoice

        • Prefix: Letters or year preceding the numerical sequence. Eg. GAS
        • Number of digits: number of digits to be used in the numerical sequence.
        • Type: You must select the type of document according to the reference you are creating, if you are going to create a reference that you want to use in your sales invoices, you must look for the option Ordinary Invoice in the list.
        • Last reference: Here you must indicate the last numerical sequence used in your previous program so that STEL Order creates the next corresponding numbering, if you want to start with the numerical counter with document 1 you must indicate 0 in this field. .

You can set the use of this reference by default by checking the associated check so that every time you create a document of that type, that reference will be displayed by default.

You can also add different annotations to appear by default when creating this document, either in the comments or attachments field, finally click on save.

