Create and issue DTEs of your documents

Once the digital certificate has been configured, the CAF file corresponding to invoices, exempt invoices, export invoices, credit notes, debit notes, waybills, bills of lading and the company has been validated, it will be possible to start issuing the DTEs of your documents.

Emit DTE of invoices


To issue an electronic invoice, first you have to create the invoice as you normally do, throughInvoicing > Invoices > + New, or through one or more Dispatch Guides, by selecting all of them from the list, and clicking on the top More > Generate > Invoice.

In addition, in order to issue the DTE of your invoice correctly, you will have to fill in the mandatory fields shown in the DTE tab, within the invoice itself, namely:

    • "Economic activity code": obtained from Settings > My company > DTE data > "Economic activity code".
    • "Issuer's line of business": obtained from the Settings > My company > DTE data > "Issuer's line of business" section.
    • "Receiver's commercial draft": obtained from the value "Commercial draft" configured in the customer's own file for which the invoice is created
    • .
    • "Dispatch type": obtained from the value "Commercial draft" configured in the client's own file for which the invoice is created
    • .

Since these fields are mandatory, if any of them were not previously configured in the corresponding section, then it will be mandatory that you fill it in during the creation of the invoice itself.

Once the invoice is created and saved, STEL Order will ask you, "Do you wish to issue the DTE for this invoice?". You will be able to issue at this time, or postpone its issuance to issue later.


Emit DTE of waybills


First you have to create the waybill as you normally do, through: Sales > Dispatch Guide > + New or Maintenance > Job Dispatch Guides > + New.


It is also possible to generate the dispatch guide from another document, from a quotation or order, by entering the document and clicking on the top More > Generate > Dispatch Guide


In addition, in order to issue your DTE correctly, you will have to fill in the mandatory fields shown in the DTE tab, within the tab of the invoice itself, namely:

    • "Dispatch type": obtained from the configuration you have in the client's file to which the Dispatch Guide is made.
    • "Shipment indication": obtained from the configuration in the customer's file to which the Dispatch Guide is made.
    • "Economic activity code": obtained from the Configuration > My company > DTE data > Economic activity code.
    • "Business activity of the issuer": obtained from section Settings > My company > DTE data > Business activity of the issuer.
    • "Receiver's commercial draft": it is obtained from the value Commercial draft configured in the customer's own file for which the invoice is created.

Since these fields are mandatory, if any of them were not previously configured in the corresponding section, then it will be mandatory that you fill it in during the creation of the invoice itself.

Once the invoice is created and saved, STEL Order will ask you, "Do you wish to issue the DTE for this waybill?". You will be able to issue at this time, or postpone its issuance to issue at a later time.

Emit DTE Credit Note


Once the digital certificate has been configured, the CAF file that corresponds to credit note and the company has been validated, it will be possible to start issuing the DTEs of your credit notes.

To issue an electronic credit note, you have to create it from an electronic invoice, by hitting More > Generate > Credit note.

It is also possible to create a credit note without previous relationship, by directly entering Invoicing > Credit notes > + New. As it is an unrelated credit note when you finish completing the fields and click to issue the DTE the software will ask to complete the data of the previous invoice generated outside STEL Order.

In addition, in order to issue your DTE correctly, you will have to fill in the mandatory fields shown in the DTE tab, within the invoice tab itself, namely:

    • "Credit note type": you will need to define this individually for each new credit note.
    • "Economic activity code": obtained from the Settings > My company > DTE data > Economic activity code section.
    • "Business line of the issuer": obtained from the Settings > My company > DTE data > Business line of the issuer section.
    • "Receiver's business line": obtained from the value "Business line" configured in the customer's own file for which the invoice is created.

Since these fields are mandatory, if any of them were not previously configured in the corresponding section, then it will be mandatory that you fill it in during the creation of the invoice itself.

Once the invoice is created and saved, STEL Order will ask you, "Do you wish to issue the DTE for this credit note?". You will be able to issue at this time, or postpone its issuance to issue later.


Emit DTE of debit note


To generate the debit note you must go to the Invoicing > Invoices > +New.

You must fill in the customer field, place the product or service lines. Next enter the DTE tab and check the "Issue as debit memo" quadrant and automatically the "Related credit memo" field will be displayed on the right side. Click on the text field and the list of credit memos issued for the customer you have selected will be displayed and you must select the credit memo to be related and select the corresponding debit memo type.

Finally, don't forget to click on Save, automatically the message Saved successfully Do you wish to issue DTE of this debit note, you must select accept or cancel.

Emit DTE of Ballots


For the issuance of electronic ballots you must have the CAF file of electronic ballots loaded in your company's DTE configuration.

Before creating a ballot there must be a customer in the Customers module saved as follows:

Legal name: Private Customer


RUT: 6666666666-6

RUT: 6666666666-6

With the existence of this Private Client, you can now start with the creation of the ballot by following the following path:


Go to the Invoicing > Invoices > +New module and choose in Customer the particular customer previously created, and then place in lines all the products or services of the sale.

Finally, DO NOT forget to select SAVE, and automatically the software will ask you if you want to issue the electronic ticket, you select accept or cancel.

It is important to know that for STEL Order to detect that you are going to issue a ticket and not an invoice, the client to whom the ticket is generated must have the RUT 6666666666-6 in his client file.

Status of your DTEs


DTEs have four possibleStates:

    • DTE pending issuance (no icon): when the DTE has not yet been issued.
    • DTE issued (yellow icon):cwhen the DTE has been issued but we do not yet have a response from the SII (Yellow icon).
    • DTE accepted (green icon): when the DTE has been accepted by the SII.
    • DTE rejected (red icon): when the DTE has been rejected by the SII.
    • when the DTE has been rejected by the SII.

Once the DTE has been issued, the SII has to process it to validate that everything is correct. Normally, the SII takes a few minutes to perform this process, although sometimes, depending on the SII's own workload, this process can take up to 24 hours. After this process, the status of the DTE will normally change to DTE accepted.

You can consult and update the status of your DTEs as follows:

    • From the web: from the list, selecting all the DTEs whose status you want to check, and clicking More > DTE status query; from the tab of the document itself, clicking More > DTE status query.
    • From the Android/iOS app: from the document tab itself, by hitting the 3 dots, and then clicking on the "DTE status query" button.

The last consulted status of your DTEs can be displayed, following the color code indicated in the first lines of this section, as follows:

    • From the web: from the list of documents, through the "Activity" column ; from the tab of the invoice itself, in the upper right corner.
    • From the Android/iOS app: from the list of documents, in the row related to each document ; from the tab of the invoice itself, through the DTE tab.

Finally, you can also filter your DTEs by their status through the filtering options that are available, both through the STEL Order web section, as well as through its Android and iOS apps.


Events of your STELs


Once the status of the DTE is DTE Accepted, it is possible to consult its Eventsassociated eventsbased on the notifications made by your customers.

Although it is possible to notify different events stipulated by the SII, the official events of the SII are the following:

    • ACD: Accepts document content.
    • ERM: Grants Receipt of Goods or events.
    • RFP: Claim for Partial Shortage of goods.
    • RFT: Claim for Total Shortage of Goods.
    • RCD: Claim for Document Content.

Thus, according to the events received for each DTE, you will have the following states:

    • No events: without events or with events other than RFP, RFT, RCD, ERM and ACD, and no more than 8 days have passed since the issue, depending on the time in Chile.
    • Acceptance events: with any of these events: ERM, ACD, or no event and more than 8 days have passed since issuance.
    • Rejection events: with any of these events: RFP, RFT or RCD..

If you have Rejection Events, then you should issue a Credit Note with the content such that it corrects the current situation.

You can query and update the events of your DTEs as follows:


    • From the web: from the list, selecting all the DTEs whose events you want to consult, and clicking on More > DTE events query at the top; from the tab of the document itself, clicking on More > DTE events query.
    • From the Android/iOS app: from the tab of the document itself, by hitting the 3 dots, and then clicking on the DTE Event Query button.

The last consulted events of your DTEs can be visualized, following the color coding indicated in the first lines of this section, as follows:


    • From the web: from the list of documents, through the "Activity" column ; from the tab of the invoice itself, in the upper right corner.
    • From the Android/iOS app: from the list of documents, in the row related to each document ; from the tab of the invoice itself, through the DTE tab.

Remember also that if your client has not notified any event, after 8 days from the issuance of the DTE, it will have a status similar to if it had "Acceptance Events."

Download and Send your DTEs


You can download the DTE of a document already issued from the STEL Order web section, by accessing the document's own file and clicking on the "Download DTE (.xml)" button, on the side of the field where the status of the DTE is displayed.


In addition, when emailing the PDF or graphic representation of your DTEs, you will also be able to attach the DTE in electronic format of the same.