STEL Tempo for employees



From the Home you can see all Tempo functions at a glance and manage each of them from there


The first panel you encounter is the Welcome panel. From here you can edit your own profile, manage your leave requests and those of other employees if you have the role of manager.

  • By clicking on My Tempo profile you enter the Tempo user tab, where you can enter your personal data, photo, password, etc. It is the same as the STEL Order user file
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  • Selecting "Absence Requests" you have direct access to the absence control panel with pre-filtering by pending absences.
  • In the rest of the panels you find the buttons for clocking in, your worked hours, your current working hours or your absences.
  • At the bottom, there is access to a TimeLine, with the hours worked and absences of all company staff, provided you have the necessary permissions.
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Depending on the permissions/roles you have the option to create, delete or view reports of your workdays.

In the view report button, you find the access to the workshops in graphical format, and the possibility to export the workshop data in pdf.


To start the working day you can do this as follows:

    • Log in to STEL Order > click on the stopwatch symbol > Start day.
    • From Functionalities > My STEL Tempo > Start > Start journey.

To pause or end the day you must follow the same procedure as above.

When you log in, a summary of the current workday will be displayed; the start time of the workday, the breaks taken and the end of the workday


Workday in the STEL Order APP


To start the workday from the STEL Order APP on your mobile or tablet, you must log in and click on the three horizontal stripes next to start > click on Tempo > Start workday.

You must perform the same procedure to end the journey or pause it.

Remember to activate all location permissions in the STEL Order APP so that your start and end of the day is correctly recorded.

  • From the app you will be able to see your working days and access them, according to the established permissions you will be able to edit and delete the working days. Within each workday you have available a Remarks box so you can write down everything you need.
  • You also have the possibility to add images, documents or record an audio to be recorded in your day.
  • Within the Tempo functionality you can request absences. In this section the remaining vacation days are indicated, as well as all absences you have requested.
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  • To request an absence you must click on the Request absence button and select the type of absence. Once you save, you can add images, documents or record audios.



Depending on the permissions/roles you have the option to create, delete or view reports of your absences.

In the overview of the My Absences section you have columns where the information is displayed


In theView report button, you have access to the absences in graphical format, and the possibility to export the absence data in pdf.


To create an absence you can do it from:

    • My STEL Tempo > Home > Your absences > Request absence.
    • Mi STEL Tempo > Absences > +New.

The New absence window will display the name of the requesting user and the vacation days you have available.

In the Type field, you indicate the type of absence:

  • Low: Does not consume vacation and requires approval, for full days.
  • Physician: Does not consume vacation and requires approval, per hours.
  • Other: Does not consume vacation and requires approval, per full days.
  • Vacation: Consumes vacation and requires approval, for full days.
  • Holiday.

In the Status field, the status of the incident request will be shown, the available statuses are Pending, Accepted, Rejected.
In the Remarks field, the user can indicate annotations.
The user can also attach documents such as supporting documents, photos, etc.

In the absence list you have columns where the information is displayed. You can manage their visibility from the settings buttonshown at the top right. The available options are as follows: User, Status, Resolution date, Reason for absence, Start date, Total, Consume vacation, Remarks, Remarks responsible, Department, Activity.


You can also apply filters from the listing, to perform more specific searches:

  • Absence types: to filter by absence type, according to the selected option: sick leave, medical, other, vacation.
  • Departments: to filter by the department that each user has indicated.
  • Employee: to select a user.
  • Status: allows filtering by absence status.

Remember that to clear the applied filters you can click on the paper shown at the top right.

