STEL Tempo Administrator's Guide



Depending on permissions/roles you have the option to create, delete or view employee workday reports.


In the "view report" button, you find the access to the working days in graphical format, and the possibility to export the working days data in pdf.

There are two formats for downloading reports

    1. Download: in this option the entire punch-in record is downloaded per employee, per day, even if it is empty and the employee has not punched in (in case you need a paper template to fill in), and you can access it from"View report" > "Download".
    2. Compact format: this is the same report, but without spaces or blank cells and without showing employees who do not have clockings, it is used to analyze, deliver to employees, to an inspection etc.

If you only want to download the report of a specific employee, from the list of employees you should select him/her, click on the top on "View report" and click on "Compact format". If you do not select the specific employee, the report is downloaded for all the employees you have.




According to permissions/roles you have option to create, delete or view employee absence reports.

In the"View report" button, you have access to the absences in graphical format, and the possibility to export the absence data in pdf. If you only want to download the report of a specific employee, you must select him/her and click on "Download". If you do not select the specific employee(s), the report is downloaded for all the employees we have.


If you want to view all absences of one or several employees with a calendar view, click on More > View calendar absences.


Absence details


To create an absence you can do so from:

    1. My STEL Tempo > Home > Your absences > Request absence.
    2. Mi STEL Tempo > Absences > +New
    3. .

The New Absence window will display the name of the requesting user and the vacation days available to them.

In the Type field, the type of absence is indicated:

  • Low: Does not consume vacation and requires approval, for full days.
  • Physician: Does not consume vacation and requires approval, per hours.
  • Other: Does not consume vacation and requires approval, per full days.
  • Vacation: Consumes vacation and requires approval, for full days.

In the Status field, the status of the issue request will be displayed, the available statuses are Pending, Accepted, Rejected.

In the Remarks field, the user will be able to indicate annotations.

The user can also attach documents such as supporting documents, photos, etc.

In the absence list you have columns where the information is displayed. You can manage their visibility from the settings buttonshown at the top right. The available options are as follows: User, Status, Resolution date, Reason for absence, Start date, Total, Consume vacation, Remarks, Remarks responsible, Department, Activity.


You can also apply filters from the list, to perform more specific searches:

  • Absence types: to filter by absence type, according to the selected option: sick leave, medical, other, vacation.
  • Departments: to filter by the department that each user has indicated.
  • Employee: allows to select a user.
  • Status: allows filtering by absence status.

Remember that to clear the applied filters you can click on the paper shown at the top right.

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    Users .

    (for employees in a responsible role or for the super administrator)

    Depending on the permissions/roles you have option to create, delete or view user reports. There is the option to have a calendar view of each user's absences, export to excel/csv the data of your employees, and view reports of working days, absences or vacations.

    User management


    From the section My STEL Tempo > Users, you can create new users and configure existing users to manage their permissions.

    To create a new user you must enter Mi STEL Tempo > Users > New +. You must fill in all the fields such as name, surname, NIF, indicate the email with which you will log in and in the Confirm email field retype it.

    At the bottom of the user's file you will find several tabs detailed below.

    General: In this section you must complete user information such as phone numbers, position, Department (you can select departments that you have previously created and have access to use), address, town, province, zip code, country, language, date of birth, gender, start date of contract and social security number. You also have a comments field to add additional information about the user.

    Configuration: From this section is where we are going to indicate the permissions of the user, as well as to leave configured the amount of days of vacations that he has, the working days, etc.

    • Access configuration: The user field is automatically populated according to the user's tab you have entered to configure, you will have available a password field to modify the user's access password and the Tempo Role field, to indicate which usage permission you are going to grant him/her for Tempo. This role is completely independent of the role settings used for the rest of the software's operation.
    • Settings for the time registration: You must indicate in the Hours per week field, the number of hours established in their employment contract, indicate the type of contract, mark the days of the week that are working days for that user and the annual hours that they must work.
    • Configuration for absence and vacation control: In this section in the Working days of annual leave field, you must indicate the amount of vacation days that has been agreed with the user, the field available working days is auto-completed, it will always go showing the amount of available vacation days for the user.

    It is advisable to calculate the days of each employee when Tempo is implemented, to put the amount of outstanding vacation at that time. Calculate your employees' vacation days here


    You also have the option to choose what to do with the unused vacation days, you can select to accrue them, lose them or do nothing, you can also indicate if the vacation management will be on an annual, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly basis.

    Days: This section will show the entire list of the user's working days, indicating the status, date, start time of the day, end time of the day, hours worked, break time, total hours of the day, observations, changes or edits in the day and activity.

    Absences: This section will list all absences requested by the user, indicating the date of request, date of resolution or approval, reason for absence, status of absence, start date of absence, total days or hours, if consuming vacation, observations and remarks of the person in charge.

    Company's Tempo configuration


    (for employees whose role has Manage Configuration or for superadmin)


    The first thing to do is to perform the general configuration of your company. Afterwards you can independently configure each employee according to their agreement or contract.

    Click on "Edit"and select the weekly hours, days worked, type of contract, annual hours, vacation generation.

    There is the option to select what would happen to your employees' unused vacation at the end of the year, whether it is accrued for the following year or lost. If you don't want any action to be taken automatically, you can always leave the action of "No action is taken"





    You already have some preloaded departments, which you can delete or edit according to your company's requirements.

    If you need to create a department, click on"New", and you can put the name of the department you need, and assign a color to it.

    Absence types


    You already have some preloaded absence types, which you can delete or edit according to your company's requirements.

    If you need to create a new type of absence, click on "New", and you can name the type of absence you need, assign a color and configure whether it is for full days, consumes vacation or requires approval.

    Tempo roles


    By default, STEL Tempo has two roles, "Responsible" and "Users", but you can create the roles you need or edit the permissions of the two initial roles.

    Edit role permissions: .

    In Features > My STEL Tempo > Settings > Tempo Roles select one of the two roles you want to edit, a pop-up window opens with the permissions you can edit.


    The "Responsible" tab is usually enabled for those roles that are managers or department heads. They will always be able to see the absences of colleagues in their department.

    • Web access: you allow or block that role from being able to access Tempo from the web format.
    • . Access via apps: you allow or block that role to access from a mobile device or tablet from the Tempo App.
    • . Create workdays from the web: you allow or block that role to create workdays in Tempo from the web format.
    • Create journeys from apps: you allow or block that role to be able to create journeys from a mobile device or tablet from the Tempo App.
    • . Create workdays manually: you allow or block that role to create workdays manually from: Functionalities > My STEL Tempo > Workdays > New +. If the check is active, you can manually create workdays to other employees you are responsible for (or to yourself), to correct mistakes or oversights.

    All changes made in journeys by any user are saved within Tempo.

    • Edit days: You allow or block that role from editing days.
    • Delete days: you allow or block that role from deleting days.
    • Record geolocation in clockings via apps: indicates that users with this role, when accessing via mobile application, will be asked for permission to know their location at the time of clocking start, pause, resume and end of day.
    • View absences of department colleagues in the Timeline:
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    • Request absences:
    • : you allow or block that role to request absences.
    • Create absences manually: you allow or block that role to create absences in Functionalities > My STEL Tempo > Absences > New +
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    • Edit absences: you allow or block that role to edit absences.
    • Manage users: allows the user to manage the permissions of all other users.
    • Manage configuration: allows the user to manage the configuration.

    We recommend that you keep some user with a role that has Responsible + Manage Configuration otherwise you might have to fall back to the super admin user to get back into Tempo configuration.

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    Create new roles:


    Click on Functions > My STEL Tempo > Settings > Tempo Roles > New, a pop-up window opens to manage, you must name it and if you want that role to be assigned initially to the employees you are going to enter in Tempo, select "Default". Only one "Default" role is possible.

    Select the permissions you deem necessary for that new role.

    Other settings


    In this section you can configure whether or not to display the side button to display the Tempo right side panel on the web or whether or not to display the confirmation of the end of the day (to prevent employees from inadvertently ending by mistake when clicking).