STEL Order is designed to work with a single company
.You can also manage more than one company in the program according to the following steps:
- You must create as many references as you need for the documents you generate with the other company. To do this go to Settings > Basic Settings > References.
Note that you can specify a default reference to be the one displayed when creating the document. The rest of the references must be selected from the list when creating the document.
- The program allows you to create templates to customize your documents whether they are invoices or any document you need to generate. Go to Settings > My Company > My templates. This way you can upload a watermark, which you have previously created with your company logo and company data in the document header.
You must configure the template to display the watermark data. In the "Company Data" tab you must check the "Hide company data" option and you must uncheck the "Logo" checkbox.
You must set the template to show the watermark data. When you view the template, you will have the new data in the header of the document.
If you want the template to be linked to the reference created, so that when generating the document that information is displayed you must access Settings > Basic Settings > References and within the reference you have to select the template in the Templates field.