How can I deactivate the amounts that appear in the chapters, the subtotal?

When you make a purchase and/or sale document, in which several chapters appear, the software counts the subtotal and displays the value in your documents.

When you make a purchase and/or sale document, in which several chapters appear, the software counts the subtotal and displays the value in your documents.

If you want to disable this feature, from your profile go to Settings > My company > My templates > click on the template to which we are going to disable the sum > Lines > Edit > Subtotal text, delete the annotation and Save.


Note that the change applies to documents related to the template you have disabled the option for. For example, if you have disabled the subtotal for the "Ordinary Invoice Template", the change is made to ordinary invoices.

To remove it from the rest of the documents, repeat the same route with the templates to which you want to deactivate the option.