Configuration of calendars and tasks


1. Agenda


The STEL Order agenda works in a very similar way to Google Calendar, but is more advanced, as it is integrated with all your employees, customers, suppliers, incidents, invoices, etc.


Within the STEL Order agenda, you will be able to manage the different types of events(calls, visits, meetings) that you may have related to customers, suppliers, as well as create different calendars which are integrated by the different members that form the same.

You will also be able to manage the different tasksthrough which you will be able to have a control of the effective time you use for their realization.


2. Calendar


Create events


Events are alerts or notifications created in the calendar, these can be created in a calendar of your own (called personal) or in a shared view calendar (with other employees).


To create event types and choose a color applicable to it you must go to the option Settings > Basic Settings > Data list > Event types, there you can create new types of events, delete or edit existing ones, as well as modify colors associated with them.

As for the events you can filter by:

    • Client: To find events related to x client.
    • Event type: We can choose to show us only the events of e.g. call, meeting, visit or any of the ones we have created.
    • Event status: We can choose to show us pending, completed or rejected events.
    • Linked to assets: This way we will display only the events that have an associated client asset.
    • Select an asset: From this option open the assets in client to select a specific asset and visualize if it has or not an event created.

You should also note that the events in the agenda are exportable, through the Export button.

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    Tocreate a new eventyou must access Agenda > Calendar and click New Event.

      • Add the subject (event title)
      • .
      • Select start/end date, if you uncheck "all day" it will let us choose a specific time.
      • Select start/end date, if you uncheck "all day" it will let us choose a specific time.
      • You can choose whether it is saved in a personal calendar (only the user sees it) or shared view.
      • Within the event you can schedule a replay which can be daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, etc. In addition, you will also be able to say when it starts, when it ends and the necessary repetitions.
      • This event can be associated to a customer/supplier.
      • Within the same you are going to set how far in advance we want to be notified through the reminder section, from web we get a reminder of the start of the event on which if you do not press Accept does not let us continue working, in the mobile application we get a notification warning of the start of the same.
      • Sif you create for example an event in a personal calendar (that only we can see) and you want to share it with another employee you must press the "share +" button so that this person is also notified. .
      • About the event you can also add attachments.
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    Another way to create events is through the new button on the home screen, through the customer / supplier tab, access the tab of the same and click on the new event option, this same can also be done on any document generated, eg. on an invoice in which you want to warn us that you have to claim your collection you can create an event by accessing the same and click on the option More > Create event, in this way the event already comes with customer information and the document on which you created the event.

    1. Through the Start > New > Event
    2. screen.
    3. On any generated document, from the More > Create event button.
    4. On the Customers/Prospects/Suppliers tab by accessing it and clicking on New > Event
    5. .


    3. Create calendars


    Calendars are used to be able to make events that are displayed by the different members that make up the calendar.


    E.g. Installation calendar, administration calendar, sales calendar, etc.

    The web visibility of the calendar can be modified in such a way that we can display our calendar by day, month, week, agenda mode.

    To create a calendar you must access Agenda > Calendar > New Calendar.

    Then add the name, a description and click on the Share option to add the different users who will have access to the visibility of it, finally, click on Save.

    Within STEL Order web, you will see that there are two calendars set by default, the "activity" calendar is the one that shows each of the documents generated in STEL Orderr.

    The personal calendar is a unique calendar associated to each employee registered in STEL Order, when you click on new event this calendar appears by default.

    Within STEL Order you can also modify the default calendar so that everything that employee saves directly is saved in a shared calendar and not in the personal calendar.

    To do this you must access Settings > My company > Users, select the user in question and within the user General > Edit > Change the default calendar set (personal).



    4. Tasks


    Within the STEL Order agenda you can also create tasks to keep track of the time to complete each of the activities.

    To create a task simply go to Agenda > Tasks, add a task and press enter.

    In it you will be able to add the estimated time the task will take, the effective time you are spending on the task as well as the client if any on which you are going to perform the task.

    You can also add Attachments, move the percentage as the task progresses, add description of the tasks you are doing and share it with any STEL Order employee or user by notifying them by mail.

    If you want to delete such a task so that it does not appear in the All list, simply check the "done" box and it will disappear from the task list to be displayed under the All/recently completed section.

    5. Synchronize the agenda with CRM customers


    STEL Order allows you to synchronize your phone's address book with your CRM customers.


    Thanks to this, you can have all the names, phone numbers and emails of customers and potential customers in STEL Order in your phone's address book, automatically and always up-to-date.

    Thanks to this, you will be able to see the customer's name when they receive a call and in the call log.